
Monday, May 26, 2014

Thrifty Party Cakes with Baker's Coconut (circa 1940s)

Thrifty Cake into Party Cake
Easy with Baker's Coconut

Start with your pet economy cake - frost, then top with Baker's Coconut and you'll have a beauty every time.

4 Party Dresses for Budget Cakes:

Jolly Children's Party Cake: (top left): Frost 2-layer cake, then mark 9 squares on top with yellow tinted confectioner's sugar glaze (or you could use frosting in a tube).  Sprinkle with Baker's Coconut. On each squares, stand an animal cracker dipped in melted Baker's Dot Chocolate.

Sweetheart Cake for Shower or Valentine's Day: (top right).  Frost a pretty pink. Outline a heart on top with silver dragees. Dust heart with pink sugar, rest of cake with Baker's Coconut.

Festive Card Party Cakes (center). Frost 2 inch squares of cake in assorted colors. Sprinkle toasted Baker's Coconut on sides of white cakes, untoasted coconut on sides of tinted cakes. Outline hearts, clubs, etc. on top in contrasting shades of frosting.

Radiant Birthday Cake: (bottom).  Glamourize a white frosted layer cake with bands of white, pink and yellow tinted coconut. Top with candles.

To tint coconut, place in glass jar, filling half full. Dilute a small amount of food coloring and sprinkle over coconut. Cover jar and shake until coating is evenly distributed.

To toast coconut: spread thinly in shallow pan. Toast in moderate oven (350 degrees) until delicate brown, stirring often.

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